
279 results

fDi On Location: Astana

Caribbean Investment Summit 2015

Interview: IMF's Christine Lagarde

Interview with Hidetaka Nishimura, director, Bio-Industry Division of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan - View From BIO 2015

Interview with Ken Poonoosamy, managing director, Board of Investment of Mauritius - View From BIO 2015


Interview with Jennifer Springer, manager of international trade and foreign investment, Oklahoma Department of Commerce - View from MIPIM 2015

Interview with Jacques Daoust, Quebec Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Exports - BIO 2014

Interview with Antonio L. Medina, executive director of Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company - BIO 2014

fDi On Location: Florence

Interview with Bill English, the deputy prime minister and minister of finance of New Zealand -View from IMF/World Bank
